Dead Women Are Dangerous

The woman sitting in front 

of me

Is confident, fearless a container of Papas love

No too long ago she was a scared, shy, broken woman

Looking at her I am amazed 

at the transformation she 

went through

Can Papa’s love really invade 

a persons life?

Transforming it from darkness 

to light

From a life of fear to a peace found only in intimacy with 

her King

Bitterness and rejection to a masterpiece of portraying 

His love

All of her life she was trapped 

like a bird in a cage

The word freedom foreign 

to her

Her mind and heart always racing

Fear her compass

Leading her away from Papas voice

The emptiness in her eyes

She hid behind fake smiles 

While the hole in her heart 

grew bigger and bigger

No amount of things or people could fill the void in her heart

The glasshouse she so tightly controlled slipped through 

her hands

It fell to the ground in thousands of pieces

And satan smiled “I have her right where I always wanted 

her to be”

And Father beamed with pride

Because He had her right where

He needed her to be

Now He can put all her broken pieces back together and create a masterpiece out of 

the mess she found herself in

Papa waited patiently for 

her to let go

She was used to fighting her 

own battles

Letting go was hard for her

She paid a high price for the testimony on her life

He asked the old her to die

When all she wanted was 

to hold on to dead things

He asked her to walk a road few would ever walk

A road of deep betrayal and 

of coming face to face with 

the enemy daily

Witchcraft, False religions, Jezebel, you name it she battled them all

His once scared daughter 

He turned into His warrior daughter

He asked her to walk through fire in the midst of her enemies

Asked her to be quiet

To not defend herself

While everything in her kicked and screamed to be heard

Papa asked her to carry 

her cross with His heart beating through her

There’s something about 

women who were trained

under the watchful eyes of 

their King

They are known in heaven 

and feared in hell

They took up their swords 

to be warrior daughters

When their flesh wanted to 

run and hide

Who would have thought 

that His endtime army would 

by filled with broken, downtrodden, hurting women

Which He gently restores

into fearless women

They shine with His love

They found themselves 

The day they died

Dead women are dangerous women

In the hands of their Commander and Chief.

~ Ebigale Wilson

Dead Women Are Dangerous

The Journey

I Believe I Am Worthy

this fierce blood pumping

through these twisted veins,

defining mere beginnings

at war with the mind

tells it to stop being

afraid of its own mess

as it dresses the wounds

from infected to healed

cause these scars are surfacing,

breaking the skin apart;

people just sit and watch

cause they think

it’s entertainment

seeing houses destroyed,

burned to the ground

with people still inside…

they don’t care to dial for help,

to help,

no…they’d rather do nothing,

but you’ll hear them say

how much of a tragedy

it was that the victims died

after the fact that it happened

yet they did absolutely nothing

to stop the wound from bleeding;

ignorance is a bomb going off

in the mind gravitating to depths,

people on the outside

could no way in hell understand;

i look up when I feel down,

i breathe when i’m below the surface,

i run when i can’t move,

i fight into the night,

never ever giving up,

so don’t you dare give me excuses

why you can’t help…

it’s not that you can’t,

it’s that you won’t

cause you don’t care

and i don’t care either,

not if you can only define

your love for me by being absent,

being silent,

ignoring my pain completely

cause you’re so delusional

that i’m okay

although you know i’m not,

then get out of my life;

if you can’t love me,

support me,

be here for me

then fine

my blood won’t end up

on your hands cause i couldn’t take it,

no…i won’t give up cause of you,

i will fight in spite of you,

so don’t hold your breath;

i’m not going anywhere,

keep telling me i’m nothing

and i’ll prove you wrong,

i will never give up,

not ever,

so don’t count on it;

God is with me,

helping me fight these battles

cause together we will defeat

the enemy who is using

whoever he can to take me out,

but he’s going to fail miserably,

so if you want to get on that side,


but you will also fail miserably,

just wait and see;

your power is a grain of dirt

compared to Him;

i’m not sorry

cause this mental illness

isn’t my fault…

i’m doing what i can to heal,

so i can help others

to the best of my ability

cause i believe i’m worthy

to live this life i’ve been given freely;

don’t stand in my way

cause i will fight

with every ounce of strength

i have and win!

~ Bethany Anne

A Work In Progress

darkness fell

as light broke

this heart in a billion pieces,

stars facing death row

as if it’s a crime to be bright

and shine light on a quiet scream

ripping the voices off tongues

that burden the souls to birth

meaningless words to breathe

time in the circle to live,

to crave giants to come,

so they can be taken out,

but for what?

to see blood on hands

dripping off eyes that saw it all?

eyes that saw everything

did nothing to birth peace

inside the womb of the storm

and as she stands,

she falls to knees begging

for wild fires to let her go

so she can be free

from hell that has tamed

a still earthquake to jolt

awake this blistering mind,

and all that comes

are these memories

that curse the life within

as night exists to bleed out

the day forever

~ Bethany Anne

Him In Me

This love that never dies

No matter how many times

You hurt me

Isn’t me,

It’s Him in me;

This peace I walk in the room with

That draws you to me

Despite my anxiety

Isn’t me,

It’s Him in me;

This fierce warrior

That shows up to battle to fight

Every time despite my fears

Isn’t me,

It’s Him in me;

You see…

I am beyond imperfect

In every single way,

But He is perfect in ALL His ways;

When I show up,

He shows me exactly who He is…

Let Him show you.

~Bethany Anne


The answer is nowhere.

God is with us ALWAYS and I thank Him for that.

When I am stuck in the darkness, He calls me found and helps me climb out of the pit into His loving arms.

When I think I am on top of the world, He humbles me and shows me that I couldn’t be or do anything good without Him giving me the ability to do so.

Whatever I’m doing, it doesn’t matter cause He’s right there.

When I try to escape His presence, I fail to cause He is everywhere at once…He never leaves or forsakes me cause He knows I’ll soon need Him.

I can’t escape His presence and what a great feeling it is that He loves me so much that He won’t ever ever leave me even when I think I want Him to.

He knows us so well cause He created us, we are His masterpieces…His love for us is so GREAT that no depth, no height, no length, no sin, no past can separate us from His love❤

We belong to Him. We are His children and He is our heavenly Father, friend, and King👑🙏

We won’t ever be separated from His love💕 What a great promise and truth🤗✨

~ Bethany Anne

Love Unexplainable

Hiding behind her mask

Darkness her habitation

A trail of pain always

followed her

The word freedom

foreign to her

Locked up in a cell

The keys thrown away

No sign of freedom

Just a life filled with misery

She received an invitation to

go on an unknown journey

with Papa

All of His daughters do

It’s our choice to take it

or leave it

She couldn’t say no to

a new beginning with Him

Though pain was still her portion

She couldn’t say no to visit hidden territories with her King

Territories that held her

healing and progress

She had nothing to lose

But everything to gain

Anticipation grew each day

As their journey made its way

All she knew was that He had

great plans for her

How this journey would

turn out

She couldn’t say

She surrendered to the One

who loved her most

They paused to deal with her

heart issues and she watched

as He gently did a heart transplant

The sight of her dark heart replaced with a new heart

Left her in awe of the

greatness of her King

They paused again as she

ran into fruitful fields finding her way

To His garden where she

stayed for a long while

She discovered a peace that surpassed all understanding

Discovered a love that covered every crack in her heart

A love so unexplainable

It has to be experienced

by each human being

His perfect love cast out

all her fears

She glistened with His glory

Spending every moment gleaning from Him

His love made her fearless

and bold

For the first time in her life

She experienced a love that had the ability to forever change her

They paused again and this time Papa revealed her

gifts and talents

Hidden for long under pain, unforgiveness, sin and regret

With faith like a child she received what was hers

She didn’t look back

Her past a vague memory

She embraced her journey

She now knew how deeply

she was loved

He does not look

for flawless vessels

He is looking for willing,

emptied out vessels

Broken vessels

Rejected vessels

Hurting vessels

Nameless vessels

Our Father does not care

He knows that once we

taste His love

We will be transformed into

the fearless daughters

He created us to be.

~ Ebigale Wilson

Love Unexplainable

The Journey