
WORTHY THOUGHT: Do you know for sure you’re going to Heaven?

God gives us a beautiful answer that is close to our own heart and mouth.

Paul wrote in Book of Romans, for if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells other of his faith, confirming his salvation. -Romans 10:9-10

Trust in Jesus, accept God’s gift of salvation and everyone who believes will go to heaven.

~ Angela Lipe-Pattengill

Finding Refuge

There was a refreshing presence of the Spirit tonight. God never fails me, and he continually amazes me. Even when darkness surrounds me, He is always light. I needed the reminder, and God knew it. Drawing close to God protected my wavering heart. He is a safe place. When I spend time with him, I hear the confirmation of his direction.

David struggled with deceived areas in his heart. He was troubled by some of the choices he had made, and he mourned over them. Even so, he knew that God was good and more significant than any circumstance that he faced. The Lord understands when we grieve and when our hearts are troubled. He is always with us; he acknowledges the Spirit that comes to him during those times.

In Psalms 144:2, David says, “he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.”

Wherever you find yourself today, understand that God is waiting for you. He wants to be your refuge. He wants to provide comfort in the darkness. There is nothing that is greater than He.

Lord, thank you for all that you are and all that you provide for us. Be with those who may be struggling in the dark. Provide peace, comfort, and refuge. In Jesus name, Amen.

Baring His Beauty,

Tiffany Thomas

Pleasing Her King

Some would call her average

From a distance

there is nothing

special about her

‘Plain Jane’ would suit her perfectly

She is not one for dressing up

She is not one for expensive shoes and bags

I don’t see any jewelry

on her fingers or around her neck

Yet, when you meet her

You soon realise

That she’s got something

Few have laid hold of

She lives from a place

that not many have visited

Stirring a hunger

In those she encounters

Making them desperate for

the places she visits

Making them yearn for

the One she meets with

Awakening a deep longing

in everyone

For what is her norm

She is in this world

but not of this world

Some would call her too zealous

Some would call her too deep

Some would call her too spiritual

She does not fit the mold of religion

It suits her just fine

Intimacy with her Beloved

Her everything

She was created

to be different

She was created to stand out

Everywhere she treads

she leaves a trail of His heart

Living a holy life

Always pleasing her King

is important to her

She will not bring an offering

that costs her nothing

She does not waste her time

on trivial things

She lives and breaths

to do only His will

Her relationship with her heavenly Father

Is her priority

She knows that everything she is

and will ever be

Flows from the intimate moments

Between her and her Father

He calls her His beloved

A name that encompasses

her position in Him

Something she does not take lightly

For she knows by now

He shares His secrets

with those He can trust

Abandoned her agenda

and dreams long ago

To pick up His journey for her

She knows the importance

of preparing herself

Filling her lamp with oil

at all times

She does not give her ear

to hearsay

She is too busy

Being One with her Father

The things of this world

do not hold her attention

You will find her away

from the crowd

In His presence

Drinking from Papa

Till she overflows

Here she pours out

her love in reckless abandon

On the One she loves most

You will notice every time

She leaves His presence

She represents

a different part of His heart.

~ Ebigale Wilson

Pleasing Her King

The Journey


Godly Confidence

Drawn up from dust and created to shine

Filled with love; Your heart and mine.​ ​

Each given traits and gifts bestowed, ​​

Individually blessed, with no baggage in tow. ​

Growing toward the grace of God,

Seeking light in the fleshy world,​​​

Climbing out of negative thoughts, ​​

Dodging lies that the enemy would hurl.

A learned journey, this rocky path​

For a smooth trip is no teacher. ​​

Trusting that God has made us prepared,​

He equipped us with this feature. ​​

A Godly confidence, firm trust in Him,​​

Is our gift to combat the lies.​​

God knows who we are deep in our hearts

And wants us to see ourselves through His eyes.

~ Kim Weingart

Godly Confidence


Get Off The Fence

You who have come to Christ for a pure heart, guard against the pictures of lewdness and sensuality which Satan flashes upon the screen of your imagination.

Select with care the books you read, choose discerningly the kind of entertainment you attend, the kind of associates with whom you mingle, and the kind of environment in which you place yourself.

You should no more allow sinful imaginations to accumulate in your mind and soul than you would let garbage collect in your living room.

~ Billy Graham

#QuoteOfTheDay #QuotesToLiveBy #RealTalk

#LiveRestored #MindBodySoul Restored Ministries

Image – Pinterest

Cling To The Hope Of Spring

The same exact tree in Spring and Winter

look very different.

One looks like death

One looks like life

One looks like the end

One looks like beginnings

One looks old

One looks new

One looks barren

One looks full

One looks hopeless

One looks hopeful

If we find ourself stuck and looking at the dead barren tree of Winter without the hope and anticipation of the coming of Spring we can’t move into the abundant future God has for us.

Seasons of life will come and go.

Some seasons our soul sings loudly “It Is Well” while other seasons our soul doesn’t seem to sing at all.

We MUST keep singing as though it is well even when nothing feels or looks well right now.

We MUST get a vision of our Winter tree in the Spring.

How does the trees weather the storms of life and the changing of seasons?


Stop looking at the outward appearance of the tree.

The roots are what really matters.

We MUST stay grounded and rooted in Christ.

Cling to the hope of Spring …. it’s coming!

~XXOO Michelle Bollom

Let your roots grow down deeply in Him, and let Him build you up on a firm foundation.

Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always spill over with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:7 VOICE

Image – Pinterest


WORTH THOUGHT: When we feel a sting of rejection, we must keep in mind the hope and victory God promises to us.

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.~Psalms 34:17-20

It is His specialty, God loves to restore in us what has been devoured in our lives.

~ Angela Lipe-Pattengill

Intentional Purpose

Therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary, and had seen what Jesus did, believed in him. ~ John 11:45 ESV

I can’t tell you how many times I catch myself using the term “busy” when someone asks me how I am doing. I am not sure how I have arrived at a place where being busy expresses the condition of my heart.

I get caught up in all of the things I need to accomplish instead of being intentional about whose heart I might touch.

Can you relate?

I think we get consumed in what our lives should look like, or where we believe we should be standing in them.

A messenger was sent after Jesus because his friend Lazarus was deathly ill. Yet, Jesus did not rush to him. In fact, in John, it states that he remained in the place where he was for two more days.

Could you imagine the emotions Martha had over the death of her brother when she met Jesus? She said, my brother wouldn’t have died had you rushed and hurried to him.

There was a purpose for the time that lapsed in Lazarus’s death. The resurrection of Lazarus provided an opportunity for others to see God’s power and accept Him by faith. Jesus gives many examples where he took the time to care for the broken-hearted.

Could our lives be different if we considered slowing down, looking around, and were intentional about the journey we are on?

We do not know how many hearts are desperately waiting for the crossing of our paths. We can get in a hurry, get caught up, in many things that provide no purpose.

How many people turned believed in God after the resurrection of Lazarus? How many people’s heart did Jesus touch in the two days that he stayed where He was?

When I think about the life of Jesus, I wonder how many people converted their heart, over to God, because he chose to be intentional with his time.

Dear Jesus, thank you for today. Thank you that there is a purpose in this life that you give. May we be intentional today, touching the lives of those around us so that they can see the power in who you are. We provide you with praise and glory in all that you do, Amen.

Baring His Beauty,

Tiffany Thomas

Pleading Your Case

It feels as if you give

one step forward

And a few steps back

The road looks so dark

With no light in sight

On and on you go

A dark cloud always following you

When last was joy your portion?

When last had victory knocked on your door?

You sigh ‘When God’?

Your mind a battleground

Your face tells a story of defeat

You are weary of the wait

Tired of the journey

Feels like you’re on your way nowhere

Hanging on to His promises

Your only hope

Darkness tries it best

To wheel you in

Sometimes it looks like

your enemies have won

Like they’re standing

with trophies of battles won

Don’t fix your eyes

on what you see

Smokescreens might look real

When I am not on the scene

This is a season

Where I am pleading your case

A season where I take vengeance for you

I have seen your tears

The price you had to pay

Enemies humiliated you

Laughing in your face

Not knowing that I see

the intent of their hearts

What they represent

is not of Me

Arise this day

position yourself

I am at work on your behalf

I have heard your petitions

I have heard your prayers

You just see what the enemy

wants you to see

I am a God of recompense

I will surely repay

I never slumber

I never sleep

What a man sows

He will also reap

I am a God of love

but I am also a holy God

I love justice and righteousness

It might look like

the enemy has won

Look again

My word is coming into fulfillment

Don’t give up now

You are closer to victory

then you think

The road I have asked

you to walk

Was not easy

Yet in the midst of many storms

You never gave up

When I asked you to surrender

I knew what I was doing

Your victory laid in your silence

completely trusting Me

Soon you will know all the answers

As it unfolds before your eyes

I am your ‘Jehu’ overthrowing

Every plot and plan

of the enemy

Look again

The battle has already been won

No one could touch you

Though they think that they did

Your battles were Mine

Valuable lessons had to be learnt

For you to represent Me

with your every turn

Your pain did not stop you

From doing My will

Every day you were ready

to complete your race

Tired, weak

but you never retreat

Showing Me

that Our love

was real

You will dance

You will leap

You will gather the spoils

You will walk through open doors

With My heart beating in you

You will represent Me well

For this journey had its purpose

You have passed your tests

For surely this is your time of recompense

~ Ebigale Wilson

Pleading Your Case

The Journey
