Ding Dong Principle 

This book inspired me as a Christian (a Jesus girl) not to be afraid to go on a mission for God. Whenever I thought about going on a mission trip before, often times my first reaction was I’m too afraid.  
God always reminds me of this scripture …
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV 
So armed with God’s presence and promise 
I found the courage to go to Guatemala in the Fall of 2013, which led to the courage to sign up for violin lessons in the Spring of 2014. 
Recently, God told me in a vision that I’m going to go back there to teach violin to the orphans in Guatemala, helping children escape poverty and violence with music.   Sometimes language creates a barrier, but with music there are no barriers. 
Reading about Corrie Ten Boom and her missions in this book, I saw with Gods help she moved mountains!!!  
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.~ Philippians 4:13 NLT 

This promise is for us- so We can too! 
~ Angela Lipe- Pattengill 
Enjoy this Worthy thought: The Ding Dong Principle 
by Corrie Ten Boom “Tramp for The Lord”
One day a young girl, who had repented and received deliverance from lust and impurity, came to see Miss Corrie who was presently visiting and speaking at a church in Holland, the young girl goes up to Miss Corrie afterwards and says” Even though I have been delivered, at night I still keep dreaming of my old way of life. I’m afraid I will slip back into Satan’s grasp. 
 Miss Corrie tells the girl “up in that church tower, there is a bell which is rung by pulling on a rope, after the sexton lets go of the rope the bell still continues swinging, first the ding then the dong. It gets slower and slower until there’s a final dong and it stops. I believe the same is true for deliverance”.
The young girl says “you mean even though I sometimes have temptations, that I am still free, Satan is no longer pulling the rope which controls my life?”
Miss Corrie says “the purity of your life is evidence of your deliverance and you should not worry about the dings and dongs, they are nothing but echoes. The demons know that even though they have to flee at the name of Jesus, the demons will not leave without given their clapper one big swing leaving behind the vibration of ding and dongs on their way out scaring us into thinking they are still there. 
But if we grow fearful over the remaining echoes other demons can come in and take their place. 
The bible promises that after we confess and denounce our sins, God cleanses us from them by the blood of Jesus. Indeed, He says your sins I remembered no more. (Hebrew 8:12
When we hear the dings and dongs of our past life, we need to remember that through Jesus sacrifice on Calvary, Satan can no longer pull the rope in your life, the sounds of the vibrations may still echo, but they will grow less and less and eventually stop completely.  Satan cannot return as long as you walk in obedience. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.” 
Haven’t you learned that your body is the home of the Holy Spirit God gave you, and He lives in you, and your own body does not belong to you. For God has bought you with a great price. So use every part of your body to give Glory back to God, because He owns it. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
However, this does not prevent Satan ( or his demons) from standing outside your house shouting through the window saying “we’re still here!” But Hallelujah! We know Satan for who he is -the prince of liars. He is still not here he has been cast out. 
So whenever you hear those old echoes in your life; one of those ding and dongs, you need to remember to stop and say “thank you Jesus you have bought me with your blood and sin has no right to sound off in my life.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom 
I encourage everyone to get this great book! 

May The Force Be With You 


Thanks to Amy Tippins for sharing her story with us from Her personal blog


 1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Where fear resides God cannot…unless you invite Abba to take away the fear. 

 For the past 2 years I have lived in fear. Fear that I would never be financially stable enough to become a parent. Fear of my business not being successful enough to support my family. I fear that I will run out of the mental bandwidth to handle a business and a child. I fear I will never be chosen by a birth mom. Yes, I have strong fears and sometimes they drive me to tears.

What I can attest to is that when I turn my fear over to God and asked for him to calm my heart, He always seems to come through in a way that is so much greater than I dreamed.

Society beats fear into our subconscious every step of the way in life. Growing up, it was preached to me that “certain types of girl” blessing from God never include “happily ever after” or a family. Guess what, THIS “certain type of girl” who goes against what is accepted as a “good Christian girl” found a love that accepts me in all of my faults and wonderful characteristics. I held out for what I am worthy of. I pushed forward and trusted in God despite my fear.

Fear is darkness. Think of one of the most classic movies, Star Wars, Luke lost his ability to use The Force when he allowed fear to entire his mind. When he feared his father then darkness (and sin) entered his mind and heart. When our hearts and mind fill with fear, then our actions become selfish, divisive and counter-productive to building love in our lives. To be fair, fear is as old as sin….it is the source of all sin. I lost the inability to fight fear at birth and so did you.

Most days, I have to say “This one isn’t under my control”. That scares me, but it is ok because I am not in control of this world. Somehow, when I whisper those words and ask God to fill my heart with faith then he fills my heart with peace. Most importantly, I know he won’t fail me when I invited him into my place of fear.

Fear is limits

God provided my perfect donor, a man who loves me so much that some days I shake my head at my worthiness of him, and God saved my house from going onto the auction block over a year ago. When I took the path of gratitude in my business, he tripled our business in less than 2 weeks. Yep, I think once I learned to say “Oh, I so do not have this handled” and say it with peace in my heart then he handled everything far beyond what I thought was possible.

My Abba (Father) covers my fear with His love, He is bringing my child home, and he has been creating a business that will is covering our financial needs. Yes, I don’t need to live in fear, BUT I am only human. So, He will be patient with me in the meantime and whisper into my ear “I know the plans I have for you”.  ~Amy Tippins 

Dream Big Daughter


Most of these blogs come out of my quiet time with God. I think I have a thousand journals sitting around my house. My newest journal has me dreaming big!!! It’s fancy with flowers and each page has a different design.

Just yesterday I was sitting outside soaking up the morning sun in my usual spot in my backyard. I did have to wrap a blanket around me because it was a crisp 55 degrees outside.

Just to catch you up with me!!
I’m on a question quest.
I’m asking all my questions to God.
I take my journal, pen, Bible and cup of Sozo coffee. (That’s a free advertisement)
I then read some scripture.

Watch the birds sneak over to get birdseed off the table.

Listen to my cat stretching and jumping at the door to let him outside.

Try to focus on my question!

Sometimes I listen to a soft song with encouraging words. My latest and greatest song this week is
No Longer Slaves by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser.
It just came out this month.

You can listen to it on a previous blog here: https://restoredministriesblog.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/unravel-me/

Then I write, write and write.

God seems to softly speak to me as I write and listen. It’s an art I just discovered.
We do have two ears and one mouth. That was a new revelation to me.

I asked God, “What do you call me?”
Immediately, I wrote down

My daughter-You are a ray of sunshine

I knew it was a written inspiration by Him.
How do I know?
I felt like He might have called me out on other such unbecoming qualities that I might possess at times.
Such as
….failure at keeping my cool
…complaining about circumstances
….out of control thoughts

But Noo!!!!!

I wrote down.
My daughter
You are a ray of sunshine

He calls me His daughter and He thinks I’m bright like sunshine.

That was not my thoughts.

I looked to see what my Father has to say about me in His Word. (The Bible)
Since I am a girl, I am His daughter not His son.

Galatians 4:4-8
4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

I Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

I am chosen by my Father to be His daughter. I am a co-heir called out of the darkness to be a ray of Sonshine.

You too can walk out of darkness into His marvelous light and become sons and daughters of God.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:16

Light On,
Kelley Allison



I absolutely love the word Divine. I have been stuck on this word for quite some time.

Of, from, or like God; devoted to God; sacred.
Excellent, delightful.

I started praying for Divine Connections years ago and I have expanded it to pray that God would develop and bring me…

Divine Appointments
Divine Encounters
Divine Favor
Divine Love
Divine Support
Divine Dominion
Divine Nature
Divine Revelation
Divine Health

And my list keeps growing!

I love to recognize and pray these things in not just my own life but in other peoples lives too.

And then I stumbled across this verse:

His Divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the knowledge of the One who called us by His glory and virtue.~2 Peter 1:3 The Voice

Praise God! We have His Divine power per this promise. With His Divine Power we have all we need!

Look around and start recognizing all the Divine’s in your own life and
ask God to bring you only those things that He has Divinely ordered.
He is faithful to deliver!

~XXOO Michelle Bollom

A Victorious Future


She called me yesterday morning.
I had no idea who she was for about five minutes.
I recognized the desperation in her voice!
As I listened to her it dawned on me how much we are alike.
All hell has broken loose in her world & she knows whose she is.
God isn’t distant; He is in that storm & Lord of it!!!
Even though He seems cruel & gone, He is present.
Listening to her woe was excruciating because I could not rescue her from it.
She is weary. She is spent. She is Leary. She is bent.
Not finished! Not over! Just needing to be covered in prayer.
Someone to recognize her pain & ease her into the light.
Assist her into the posture of peace.
On her knees…..waiting, wondering, wrestling, wringing doubt from her tear stained robe of righteousness.
We lifted each other up with HOPE.
Not of this world but His Kingdom living inside!!!
It is key to remember what He has done in the past so that we can encourage one another with His Victorious Future!!!
She is on her way home & she is not alone.
His angels escort her to & home safely.
She is being led by peace & His favor & friendship belong to her, His Beloved.

~Krystal Lynne



Bondage can be defined as slavery or involuntary servitude; the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control; the state or practice of being physically restrained, as by being tied up, chained, or put in handcuffs, for carnal gratification.

“For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:20-21

A few weeks ago, 50 Shades of Grey hit the theatres. As I conducted online research for topic of the week, I noticed that there are new conversations around bondage. It appears that the dialogue around the book series and the movie…has sparked a deepen interest in the topic of bondage. The story plot of the book/movie is interesting. It introduces us to the world of bondage… (I will let you conduct your own research) Typically, when we think of bondage or being tied up- it is not fun! In other words, it seems that slavery has somewhat resurfaced as something popular.

I am amazed by how we, as a society, as a culture are so attracted to drama, reality TV shows, hurting people, stories about crisis, death, illnesses…you get the point. Let me give you some insight, with our eyes wide open, this carnal attraction seeps into the crevices of our lives, and before long we are surrounded by the same thing we once saw on television or read in a book. Before long, we feel choked, tied up, slapped, beaten, burned, speechless, helpless, abducted and then we feel hopeless, empty, lonely, and meaningless. Because we’ve experienced shattered dreams, broken relationships, faulty friendships, deadly illnesses, and loss of finances also, we adopt the story plots from movies and books as “my” story instead of “his” story. We say to ourselves, “I can understand…”

Although on the surface, I did not see 50 shades of Grey as my story. As I continued my research, one critic intrigued me of his description of the movie’s main character, Christian Grey. Grey is a man tormented by his own demons and consumed by the need to control. I stopped there. That sentence slapped me in the face! I replaced Grey with Lereca. Lereca was a woman tormented by her own demons and consumed by the need to control.

God always has a way of getting my attention. Ha, his story quickly became my story. God quickly showed me not to pass judgment on others and that he is still also working on me. He then whispered “change the name to HE/SHE.” HE/SHE is a man/woman tormented by his/her own demons and consumed by the need to control.

So here’s the message…Does your life reflect a drama novel? Is the enemy tormenting you? Do you feel consumed by the need to control? Brothers and sisters there is hope.

You do not need to feel tormented anymore. There is power in the name of Jesus and we are freed through Christ. God wants you to dream again, mend your relationships, bring your friends back, heal your body, increase your finances…Let him bless you!

This week, I challenge you to put down the drama novel. I challenge you to turn off the reality show. I challenge you to call on the name of Jesus. I challenge you to plead the blood of Jesus over every aspect of your life. HE WILL BREAK EVERY CHAIN.

Instead consider meditating on this…


Dear GOD,

There is power in the name of Jesus and I am ready to be healed. I give you every area of my life and I call on you to break every chain that is keeping me in bondage. I declare today that the enemy will no longer torment me and I declare your control over my life. Lord, thank you so much for giving me hope and setting me free.

Commit to the challenge. I DARE you.
#mydearestsister #Idareyou #restoredministries #itstimeforachange#anewyou #LiveRestored ~ Lereca Monik

A Reason To Sing


When the pieces seem too shattered
To gather off the floor
And all that seems to matter
Is that I can’t feel You anymore
Is that I don’t feel You anymore

I need a reason to sing
I need a reason to sing
I need to know that You’re still holding
The whole world in Your hands
I need a reason to sing

When I’m overcome by fear
And I hate everything I know
If this waiting lasts forever
I’m afraid I might let go
I’m afraid I might let go
I need a reason to sing
I need a reason to sing
I need to know that you’re still holding
The whole world in your hands
I need a reason to sing

Will there be a victory?
Will You sing it over me now?
Your peace is the melody
Will You sing it over me now?

I need a reason to sing
I need a reason to sing
I need to know that You’re still holding
The whole world in Your hands
That is a reason to sing
~Reason To Sing By All Sons and Daughters

When the pieces seem too shattered to gather off the floor, and all that seems to matter is that I can’t feel You anymore…
Last week, I was in a period of grief. No, no one died. I became grieved because I felt cut off from God’s oversight and protection. I was upset and mad because I followed God through something He asked of me and then all of a sudden-He wasn’t there anymore.
There! I said it. For those super-religious types out there who are wondering: No, lightning didn’t just zap me. God didn’t smush me like a bug either. Sorry, guys- He’s not even mad at me.

If this waiting lasts forever I’m afraid I might let go…
I feel like I need to explain.
I have been through a struggling four month season. Think about being asked to tread water for four months and you would get the picture of the level of emotional involvement and exhaustion it feels like I have been under. The message I received during this time was that God was using this series of events to set things right. “OK – Got it, God! While this is very uncomfortable and tiring, that setting things right part sounds really good.” So I waited, and prayed, and died to self…A LOT! And then when I was finished with that, I waited and prayed and died to self…A LOT more. And so on. Do you realize that the whole “dying to self” thing takes quiiiiite a bit of energy for the sometimes controlling perfectionist types, like me?
Well, trust me, it does.
It’s the kind of energy expenditure that tends to leave one physically bankrupt. But it was all good, right? I had my faith in God and that was what would get me through. Those were the words everyone expected to come out of my mouth, and actually did for a while. I believed them and I meant them. Until.
Until the season showed no sign of coming to an end. Until the wearing, pressing events, kept on coming, kept on wearing and kept on pressing. And then I started hearing the proverbial crickets where God’s voice used to be.

When I’m overcome by fear…
Do you know how crazy-scary this kind of thing is to admit, out loud? That, as a Christian, as a child of God, I don’t have it all together…that I can’t feel God near me in this season sometimes…that I can’t feel His tangible protection…that I honestly feel that sometimes that “one more thing”, might be what finally does me in…?

Before you succumb to the voices of the whoever it is in your life (maybe even yourself) telling you that feeling this is wrong and that you need to feel guilty and repent of all this nonsense – bear with me for a moment and hear this part. You are not alone. There are at least four of us: you, me and the writers of this song. Wait-make that five of us…listen to what David has to say to God in Psalm 22:
My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry in the daytime, but You answer not; and by night I am not silent or find no rest.
Wait! Make that six…Jesus also repeated a portion of these words from the cross.

I think that God must know what a gift He was giving when He made Jesus human, like us. He did it so we would have a great example of what our right response to life, to Him, should be. If there was an instance that, even Jesus who was part of the Trinity, felt cut off from His Father, then that makes me stop and think that it just might be acceptable for us to walk through and explore this same emotion. It’s a lot like that whole directive to be angry but not to sin thing (Ephesians 4:26). Easy to say, harder to pull off, right?

Do you see where we might get tripped up, though? Because of God’s great mercy, it’s acceptable to vent our questions, our wellspring of emotions, our crying out- but we need to make sure that they are being directed toward God. A friend of mine calls it “venting vertically”. It’s fine to walk through a valley that looks a lot like doubt, but we should not pitch a tent and decide to live there. Our eyes need to be scanning the horizon for our Hope and our Sure Help that is coming. As the old saying goes: God is never a minute too early and not a minute too late. Our default needs to be like Jesus. While He was on the cross, after questioning why His Father had forsaken Him, His next (default) breath was one of renewed faith in the absolute care and wisdom of God. He completed His assignment without complaining. The Bible says He submitted His Spirit and trusted even from the cross. Think of the day or so leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. He prayed so fervently to God not to take His life that He actually produced sweat drops of blood. He was betrayed by someone he purposely chose to be a close friend. Jesus was wrongly accused and tried right there in His own Father’s House. Even though He knew His assignment, I’m sure He was still desperately looking for a sign or a physical representation of God’s presence – something, anything there in the Temple. He was mocked and scorned by the people God had made a covenant with and whom His Father had given Him rule over. They were called His own and they laughed at Him during His valiant quest to save them. As He was being beaten and whipped, I’m sure He had to consciously keep His incredible strength and power under control. He had to make Himself into the sacrificial lamb.

The devil likes nothing more than to trick us into thinking we are the only ones who feel a deep level of struggle, of abandonment-that we actually have been abandoned. He loves to separate us from the Truth and other believers who would gladly remind us of it. He lies and tells us that these feelings make us unworthy of God’s love. He tells us that we are alone and God has forgotten us in our sad, helpless state-that we are just too broken to fix. He wants us weak, misinformed and to stay stuck in this place of doubt. But what he thankfully never sees coming is: sometimes coming out the other side of a struggle is what cements our faith in God.

I need to know that You’re still holding the whole world in Your hands. That is a reason to sing…
No one can forcefully pull you through to the other side of doubt. No one can make you decide to remember your default setting of faith in God. No one can force you to feel so joyful that you burst into song. It’s a matter of settling some things in your own heart. God heard my cries immediately. He sent help immediately. I finally realized that it was my choice to recognize it or not. Ouch! By the end of the week, I realized that during this whole time, He had sent numerous people, songs, scriptures and safeguarded a time so we could sit quietly together. He showed up. Not in a noisy, flashy way, but almost like a mist rising off a lake. Like the Holy Spirit who was already there with me the whole time. My Father was suddenly…there. As I was crying and tried to rehash the whole situation to Him in apology, all He could do was ask me what I was talking about. You see, He has a very bad memory where forgiven sin is concerned. Yours and mine. No matter the sin.

So, back to our fellow-doubter, David. Here are some conclusions he came to after his wrestle with God on the issue of why, abandonment and silence:

• Look at Him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him. (It’s ok – God already knows what you are feeling.)

• God’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. (Even if no sound is heard, God puts protection around us to protect our desire to talk with Him.)

• Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. (Look around you, the evidence of God’s presence is everywhere. It’s irrefutable and overwhelming! He’s really not hiding like you think…)

• Blessed are you who run to him. (God’s desire is that when you are in trouble, He wants your default to be that you run to give it to Him.)

• Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness. (Thankfulness is guaranteed to usher in His presence. God inhabits the praises of His people.)

• God keeps an eye on his friends, His ears pick up every moan and groan.

• Is anyone crying for help? god is listening, ready to rescue you.

• If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, He’ll help you catch your breath.

• Disciples so often get into trouble; still, God is there every time.

• He’s your bodyguard, shielding every bone; not even a finger gets broken. (Gulp! Not even the finger I was pointing in accusation at Him?! )

• God pays for each slave’s freedom; no one who runs to him loses out.

• The Eternal is the source of my strength and the shield that guards me. When I learn to rest and truly trust Him, He sends His help. This is why my heart is singing! I open my mouth to praise Him, and thankfulness rises as song.*

My reason to sing? You know that cage of doubt and sin? He had opened the door a long time ago. He was just waiting for me to realize I was free to fly out. ~Debbie Bouckley

<a href="http://youtu.be/WsLhN-RtSTE&#8221;>http://youtu.be/WsLhN-RtSTE

*Taken from Psalm 34 (MSG) and Psalm 28:7 (VOICE)


Compassion That Compels


It started with a letter and a sweater…

It’s a simple mission, really. We want to reach every woman battling cancer with Compassion Bags. I used to think viral was something very bad; that is, unless it’s social media related. Since July 2013 after a Facebook post “went viral,” we’ve blessed 1289 BEAUTIFUL women battling cancer in 35 states. Compassion That Compels and Compassion Bags started with a letter, sweater and my two sisters-in-law and sister’s cancer diagnosis in a span of four years. To every good story, there’s always a backstory…

I watched through the day as sunbeams moved across the waiting room like solar spotlights, settling along the length of a piece of furniture, highlighting its occupant’s emotions. The day had passed and I was alone in the hospital waiting room. I’d read and reread my sister-in-law’s letter. Her words were written in red. “I want you to know I’m secure and very peaceful with you being here waiting on me to wake up. So while you’re in the waiting room, you show someone your heart and make their wait a little more peaceful.”

My thumb ran imaginary creases across the folds of the letter. Rather than waiting on a call, I made my way to the recovery room and slipped past the nurse’s station. The chorus of beeps and bleeps emitting from machines guided me to Sonja’s lone bed. “Sonja, I’m here.” I watched her fingers pull lightly against the sheets. “Kristianne, I knew you’d come. I kept calling for you but I knew you’d come. I’m so cold.”

I pillaged every piece of wheeled furniture around me for a blanket with no success. My eyes fell to my bag and a wrinkled cardigan sweater. I picked it up and laid it weave-like under and over the tubes that disappeared within the sheets, and into my precious sister-in-law.

I didn’t know it at the time but what started with a letter, a sweater, and my two sisters-in law and sister’s cancer battles; began my Bible studies and ministry, Compassion That Compels.

BAG: Anyone who has walked through cancer or alongside a cancer overcomer has at one time stuffed their clothes into an oversized plastic bag, closely resembling a reusable cold bag.

JESUS CALLING DEVOTIONAL: God’s word reminds you, a cancer overcomer, that you are first an overcomer in Christ.

WARM BLANKET: Covers you with God’s love. And besides, if you’re not freezing, the person next to you probably is.

SCRIPTURE TEA: Because hospital coffee at 6 pm is often thick as glue.

REUSABLE MUG: For when even coffee glue can’t be found.

JOURNAL: To record those thoughts just between you and God.

SCRIPTURE CANDY SOFT MINTS: During treatment your mouth is always dry or suddenly becomes dry when you see a doctor approaching with your chart in hand.

NOTEBOOK & PEN: To phonetically write down all those big, Latin sounding words that confirm this won’t go away with antibiotics and wish you’d paid more attention in science class.

CHICK-FIL-A GIFT CARD: Just to get away from a hospital or treatment center to a land flowing with sweet tea and nugget sauce.

I am a stranger and a temporary resident on the earth; hide not Your commandments from me. Psalm 119:19 AMP

This life is just a waiting room. So while you’re in the waiting room, do what Sonja wanted everyone to do — show your heart.
~Agape, Kristianne

Words are Kristianne’s art. A deliberate stringing of words becomes one of the highest forms of human expression when it gives a voice to the heart. Kristianne’s heart for helping spiritual sisters create a life well lived in Christ is reflected in her discipleship ministry and Bible studies..

Kristianne Stewart is a writer, speaker and founder of Compassion That Compels. Compassion That Compels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides Compassion Bags to BEAUTIFUL women battling cancer. Her life of love is filled to overflowing for her husband Royal, and their daughters Grace and Annelise. Collecting people and gardening are among her passions. Painting lives in brilliant hues of God’s love and compassion is her purpose.
Join Kristianne on Facebook Compassion That Compels.
Follow her on Twitter Kristiannefaith and Instagram

It started with a letter and a sweater


Who Is She


Has big eyes that see
She has a listening heart
Wisdom with a fair filter
She knows His voice…
His ways His favor
His Face
She is not afraid
She is reverent
Not full of herself
Yet full of understanding
She is fun
She is brave
She is freedom
Ringing & writing
His plans
She is called
She is claimed
She is learning
To walk in His ways
His name is her everything
Their friendship
Her favorite
She is daughter
She is child
She is help mate
She is kind
She is mama
She is sister
She is teacher
She is my friend

~ Krystal Lynne