Should I Go or Should I Stay 

Today’s post is about The Shack Movie 

*slight spoiler alert 

I read the book, The Shack by William P Young about nine years ago. My youngest daughter was about the same age as the character Missy in the book who goes missing and is tragically murdered. I remember putting the book down for two weeks when I got to the part where she disappears. It hit too close to home and the description of the little girl matched perfectly to my daughter at the time. I picked up the book again and actually skipped through the middle chapters to fast forward to the scene where Mack goes to the shack to meet Papa (God).

 I remember reading the book and being so moved by the love of these three characters (The Trinity) meeting Mack. They delicately meet him exactly where he was with this horrible tragedy that had caused him such anger, grief and sorrow. I was so impressed with how the author depicted each character of the Trinity with such unique qualities that were so different yet so similar. I remembered I finished with a great sense of who God was to me. I started understanding more fully the unconditional love He has for each of us. The three in one mystery of God is delicately portrayed through the three characters that meet Mack and help him to gain an understanding of who God really is to us and how important we are to Him. 

 God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

I loved how God chooses to meet Mack as a tender caring mother type figure. God knew that Mack had a hard time with his own father. He had harbored bitterness toward his father because of his past experiences with his abusive father. Mack can relax with this nurturing mother type as she answers all the hard questions he has about the tragic death of his daughter. 

 The three in one characters distinctively give Mack answers and illustrations showing him how all things are connected and effect each other. He meets up with Wisdom who shares revelations about how we choose to sit in the judgement seat and make false judgements that are without all the facts many times. I thought for sure I would be disappointed with the movie because it could never match the magnitude of the influence the book had on me nine years ago. 

Boy, was I completely wrong. The movie provided amazing visuals and a story line that sticks closely to the message of the book. The producers did a fantastic job not losing the power of the message and bringing the story to life on the big screen. I would recommend you see the movie and sit in the judgement seat and decide for yourself if this production doesn’t stretch your heart to allow more room for God and less room for false judgments against yourself and others. 

You will leave the theater after watching The Shack feeling like the Grinch whose heart just grew three sizes that day. 

Go see the movie with an open mind and see if your heart doesn’t burst with new revelations about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

His favorite, 

Kelley Allison 

           You are his favorite too!!

    “Just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies doesn’t mean I orchestrate the tragedies. Don’t ever assume that my using something means I caused it or that I need it to accomplish my purposes. That will only lead you to false notions about me. Grace doesn’t depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering you will find grace in many facets and colors.”

William Paul Young, The Shack

The Broken Way 

I have been trying to read “The Broken Way” by Ann Voskamp for weeks. It is so deep and rich that I have to keep stopping and pondering and reflecting. 

I felt the Lord telling me to READ- so I was obedient and finally picked it up again and am barely on chapter 3 tonight when God spoke to my heart so deeply showing me that in understanding the Broken Ways – in many areas of my life, one in particular with a relationship that ended last year that was painful, that I now know both our paths to abundance and abundant life were meant to be without each other.  

I was actually able to thank them and God for the years of memories. I felt every ounce of residual hurt just melt away in an instant and no longer felt any sadness or unforgiveness at all.  

I can truly see the beauty in the breaking now and know God had a much bigger purpose for the pain. 

Talk about a full healing moment! 

As Ann states in the book- 
“Wounds are what break open the soul to plant the seeds of a deeper growth. Maybe the deepest wounds birth deepest wisdom.

Brokenness can make abundance.” 

I can’t wait to see what else this book will open up. 

If you loved 1000 Gifts – You will love The Broken Way. 


                ~ XXOO Michelle Bollom 


WORTHY THOUGHT: Does our busyness keep us off balance and deteriorate our spiritual life?

Do not tell yourself that you have too much to do to spend time with the Lord each day. 

His Word promises that when you draw closer to God, He will draw closer to you. -James 4:8. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

The rest Jesus promises is peace we find with God, not the end of all effort.

When we open our hearts and ears and listen to His counsel only He knows how to balance us.

                ~ Angela Lipe-Pattengill 

God’s View 

The reward of humility [that is, having a realistic view of one’s importance] and the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the LORD Is riches, honor, and life.” – PROVERBS‬ ‭22:4‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Misbelief……..we all struggle with it.

Inadequate pieces of our heart…….we have those places too.

The enemy likes to mirror back a reflection onto our heart that represents his lie of deception. 

The truth is that no one looks at us the way God does. 

Isn’t it wonderful to know that God sees in us what we can’t see in ourself? 

He teaches us in his love. He sees beauty and we are his magnificent masterpiece. 

~ Baring His Beauty,

    Tiffany Thomas 

An Unbroken Bond

Life doesn’t always go as we plan

Sometimes there’s ups 

Sometimes there’s down’s

We go through detours

Might run into a cul- de- sac

The road may seem dark

With no sign of light

We think that we’ll never reach 

our destiny amidst broken dreams

We let go of hope

Trapped too deep in agony 

of hopelessness and despair

Seasons come and they go

Some good and some not so good

But hold on with all of your might

Cling to the smallest flicker of light

Trying times are part of the journey

You will discover your strength 

amidst broken dreams

It is part of the journey

He is fine tuning our heart

Bringing us into intimacy

He is building our faith

Doesn’t our Father know best?

It might feel like we are more in the valley, 

then on the mountaintop

While our dreams are slipping away

Life doesn’t always feel fair

We get hurt, go through abuse

Might lose our jobs, struggle with an illness, 

a wayward child

We look to God for answers

While He points us to the cross

To die a thousand deaths

Till we are no more

We cling to our pain and we feel like giving up

In the stillness of night

When you toss and you turn

Looking for answers

Your fists clutched in despair

You hear His small voice saying 

“My grace is sufficient for you, 

for My strength is made perfect 

in your weakness”

Surrender to the process your pain and despair  

Know that I am always with you

Tomorrow you will smile again

You will know that you are, one step closer to My dream for you

That all things work together for good 

to them that love Me

You will look back and know that

When you were too weak, 

I carried you

When the nightmares, wouldn’t stop 

I sang over you

When you couldn’t pray, I interceded for you

When all hell broke loose, I didn’t run

I walked you through the valley 

of death

Time after time

You found your strength in My

gaze for you

Found your joy when I danced 

with you

The trying seasons of life didn’t break you

Instead you fell more and more in love with Me

I became your greatest need

Every one else faded in the background

They could never give you, 

what you have found in Me

In your deepest pain 

An unbroken bond was formed

A covenant was made 

and I betrothed you to Me forever

You traded your ashes for My beauty

You choose to run this race

Crying and laughing, 

through pain and betrayal

You have found the One

Who gave you His all

~ Ebigale Wilson 

Write It All Down 

I heard a voice thunder from the Throne:

 “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! 

They’re His people, He’s their God.

 He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. 

Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” 

The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new. 

Write it all downeach word dependable and accurate.” ~Revelation 21:3-5 MSG

Do you like to write down various Bible Verses or Journal? 

 I love to write out His Promises. 

This one is one of my favorites because it promises that ALL things and EVERYTHING He is making new! 

       ~ XXOO Michelle Bollom 

Words In Red 

This morning as I was doing my daily Bible reading I was in John 14.

See the words in red that Jesus spoke:
John 14:1- 
Let not your heart be troubled.
John 14:18-
I will never leave you as orphans. 

If that is you today and your heart is troubled, hear the Lord saying to you

 “Let not your heart be troubled. I will never leave you as orphans” 

Jesus, thank you for your words in red. May they just not be some words on a page we read and forget but may they be the very hope and help we need today.   

~ XXOO Michelle Bollom 

The Less Said 

When we feel moved to express our opinions or give a knee jerk response to someone we must weigh the impact of our words and keep this in mind…. 

“Sometimes the less said is the best said.” 

          ~XXOO Michelle Bollom 

In the multitude of words there is no lack of rebellion, but he that refrains his lips is wise. ~ Proverbs 10:19 JUB 

Road Map 

WORTHY THOUGHT: We are pilgrim’s of this world and we need a “road map” to help us guide our way. 

I am but a pilgrim here on earth: how I need a map -and your commands my chart and guide.-Psalms 119:19 Live Application Bible

Planning a long road trip usually requires some kind of map, or (GPS) to help guide to the final destination. 

Most people usually trust and never question the directions of the map and assume it gives safe and accurate directions. Without the map you could be lost, or worse, lead to destruction.

As believers, we need Jesus Christ’s assistance to help travel through this life. 

Reading and studying God’s Word is our ‘road map‘ to our final destination. 

The Holy Spirit will help lead and reroute all paths safely away from the pit falls, obstacles, dead ends, and help us to never get lost. 

Read the Bible and know Jesus Christ is the surest and safest way to travel to your final eternal destination.

~ Angela Lipe-Pattengill