Don’t Be Surprised

If you’re dumb enough to call attention to yourself by offending people and making rude jesters, don’t be surprised if someone bloodies your nose. Churned milk turns into butter; riled emotions turn into fist fights. – Proverbs 30:32-33 MSG

Some real treasures are found in Proverbs in the Message Translation….🥴🤣

Do you have a verse that you like in this translation?

A Profound Contribution

One comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one’s self, whether the statement is true or false. —Napoleon Hill

Our inner dialogue can have awesome power.

It often determines the behavior that defines who we are. We do, of course, have some choice as to the direction this inner dialogue will take.

It’s as easy to affirm our self-worth with positive messages as it is to tear ourselves down with negative ones.

And yet, many of us fall so easily into negative patterns of thought.

As with so many aspects of our life, we become proficient at what we regularly practice.

The regular, preferably daily, use of positive affirmations can make such a profound contribution to our well-being and willingness to grow and learn, that it can change the course of our life.

All we have to do is develop the discipline to make these positive messages habitual.

In so doing, we bring our vision of ourselves in line with God’s, Who accepts us completely as we are.

The messages I give myself today will remind me that I am a capable and lovable child of God.

-Today’s Gift/Hazelden

A Beautiful Prayer

Lord God Almighty,

You are the giver of all good gifts.

You are the one who fills our lives with good things.

Blessing after blessing come from your almighty hand, and everything we have comes from you.

But . . .

Sometimes we stride through this life arrogantly, believing that our achievements come exclusively via our own brilliance, our own perseverance.

Sometimes we race through this life recklessly, feeling that we must compete and that we must finish first.

Sometimes we tiptoe through this life fearfully, worried that we will be shortchanged of what we need—and what we want.

Sometimes we meander through this life inattentively, unsuspecting that our words may harm or our actions may injure.

Sometimes we slip through this life spitefully, supposing that grudges should be kept and forgiveness should be withheld.

Sometimes we wander through this life obliviously, unaware that small and large miracles surround us.

Sometimes we skulk through this life suspiciously, thinking that trust is a misguided danger.

Sometimes we barrel through this life heedlessly, ignoring that there is goodness and beauty to be noticed.

Sometimes we stomp through this life noisily, forgetting that You just may be waiting to meet us in the silence.

Forgive us, merciful and compassionate Lord, for treading so gracelessly on this journey.

Forgive us, and then outfit us with generosity, purpose, wonder, humility and courage for the next leg of this journey with you.


~Elizabeth Crews / WinningWords

Time To Heal

We hurt. We suffer. We wrong our loved ones and they do wrong by us.

Reaching desperately for an answer will not help us.

Pretending we’re not hurt doesn’t help either.

When we are wounded, the wound needs rest in order to heal. So it is with our souls.

If we poke at our hurt, pick at the sore, rub it in the dirt of others’ opinions, we do not allow it time to heal.

If you’ve been hurt, accept that. Feel the hurt. Be aware of it. Let it heal.

Maybe it would be better if you didn’t talk to that person for a while. Maybe you need to let go of the relationship. Maybe you just need some quiet time.

Whatever the answer is, find a safe place and allow yourself to heal.

If you’re feeling pain, be aware of it. Feel the pain, and then quit picking at the wound. Lie low. Quit fighting. Relax.

Give your wounds time and enough rest to heal.

~ Melody Beattie