Restored By His Love

She looks up

and I recognise her

A smile lit up her face

When she sees me

I can get lost

in her eyes filled with love

I can get lost in the hug that she gives me

I can get lost in the One who restored her

Does His love really have the ability

to restore a person back to His heart?

Set them free from fear and demonic oppression controlling them for years?

She told me that it was a revelation

of Papa’s love that forever changed her

A christian for years

Yet she was still bound in

fear and despair

Her mind always cluttered

Her body bowed low

For she didn’t know

Who she was in Christ

Papa took her on a journey

of discovering His love

Sometimes He separates us

from everyone we love

We go to our cave’s

For circumstances force us to visit there

We throw tantrums, because why would Papa lead us this way?

This was not on our to do list

Yet Papa knows that this detour

will forever change us

How long we stay here

Will be up to us

There is always something important to do

Yet the cave will be our place

of restoration and healing

Of dealing with everything under the mat

Papa will walk us through each painful step

Till we’re overcome by His joy

and we’re changed by His love

We go through relationship

and health challenges

Might lose our job, house or a loved one

There might be deep pain that

we never dealt with

We might struggle with insecurities, rejection, or deep pain

These things can keep us

in bondage and chains

Hindering us to discover

our position in Christ

The cave awakens our God given dreams

In the confinement we discover

our strength within

We discover that our challenges

are our training ground

It was never meant to

destroy us

Only to catapult us

into Papa’s will for us

Many times we want to give up

Not realising the strength we posses

Pressing through darkness

We worship

We pray

Then one day we wake up

and we are changed in His presence

Our hearts beat in rhythm

With the One called Love

Walking away from me

She leaves a trail of His amazing heart

She is a woman on a mission

Washed and restored by His blood

His love made her brave

She is running on waves with her King

Ready to bind up every broken

heart she encounters

To proclaim liberty to every captive daughter

To open every prison door

to them that are bound.

~ Ebigale Wilson

Restored By His Love

The Journey


Worthy Thought: Be a heir or a hireling – but you can’t be both.




1. a person employed to undertake menial work.

• a person who works purely for material reward




plural noun: heirs

1 a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death.

a person inheriting and continuing the legacy of a predecessor.

I believe I will choose heir! How about you?

~XXOO Michelle Bollom

The One Who Completes Me

You allured me into the wilderness

The last place I wanted to be

So many other choices I fancied

The front seat

A stage

Fame and fortune

Why did you have to take me this route?

I thought I was Your darling child

Handpicked for greatness

With my coat of many colours

Ready to show off my knowledge

My pride

My ego

Without realising…my downfall

You saw further than my head knowledge

Gleaning and talking of other’s testimonies

Making it my own

Though I never wore their shoes

When You called me away from the crowd

I saw it as punishment

Not knowing that my life would be

forever wrecked by Your heart

You knew I still needed to wait for a while

The stage and the front seat

Would be my downfall

My character did not portray Your heart

Oh I could sound very “christianese”

Yes!! I could even play the part

Yet, I could not copy

When deep calls unto deep

When she is overcome and undone

by a brush of His presence

When she worships without borders

and her heart is changed

In the presence of her King

I had to surrender to my wilderness period

Let go of my head knowledge

Fall on my face

Till I was wrecked by the power

of Papa’s love and

His kindness towards me

Till He became my closest companion

The One who completes me

Who would have thought that the wilderness held the key to every dream Papa had for us

Fruitfulness is waiting in the wilderness

The more I let go of my flesh

The more You unpacked greatness within me

Hiding all along under my pride

my ego, and my will

You are worth more than the scraps

I was willing to give

Chasing after fame and fortune

Was never Your dream for me

You want to hold my gaze

Your presence should be

my most prized possession

Where I am emptied

but filled to the brim by Your love

Today I am Your covenant daughter

Betrothed to You forever

Stripped of what I thought

was important

Emptied but filled to overflow

With grain

With new wine

With fresh oil.

~ Ebigale Wilson

The One Who Completes Me

The Journey

Next To Me

I can turn any song into a worship song to the Lord.

I stumbled across this song by Imagine Dragons – Next To Me.

So glad that God is always right here next to me.

Well, actually He is always with me because He lives inside me.

Enjoy this weeks #SongSunday