
We may impress people by our strengths or acting like we have it all together, but we can’t ever really truly and genuinely connect with people until we bare our weaknesses.

Live an authentic true life by being your true self.

When we start living real…we become healed.

Real People

Real Stories

Real Healing

#LiveRestored #MindBodySoulSpirit

We would love for you to come connect with us on Facebook too at Restored People Community and Poetically Prophetic pages. Links below.

Restored People Community


Poetically Prophetic – https://www.facebook.com/PoeticallyProphetic/

28 thoughts on “About

  1. Love this! Living an authentic, true life is the best goal — anything else is not truly fulfilling or meaningful in the long run, in my opinion. I’m so happy to have found your blog! 🙂

  2. Hi! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog so much! I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    Here are the Rules:

    1.Thank and link to the person who nominated you.

    2.List the rules and display the award.

    3.Share seven facts about yourself

    4.Nominate 15 other blogs and let them know they have been nominated.

    5.Proudly display the logo on your blog and follow the bloggers who nominated you.

  3. Hi I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood Award. I appreciate how you are spreading Jesus for the world to see. See my post today. 🙂

  4. Finding this site is a blessing beyond imagination. Something I’m beginning to see more often. Not that He is blessing more often – but that I can see, recognize, and acknowledge. Thank you for stepping forward. I find more people can be reached when we tell our stories and let Him work out the reaction to and any responses. Guess it’s why they call it “sowing seed” and not “implanting seed” ….

  5. Just came across this and just want to say thanks for the encouragement and sharing the Good News! I will connect on social media as well. You can find me on revealed8.com. Look forward to connecting with you. God Bless!

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