He Loves Us Anyway 

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.” -Psalm‬ ‭107:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Lord has been reminding me that there is beauty in everyone, even when I am guilty of not having eyes to see it. I tend to forget that everyone’s behavior is developed from something, whether that is from life experiences, or a lack of accurate knowledge. 

I actually forget, that even I, have times that are less than beautiful. 

I am so thankful that Jesus loves each one of us, despite our lacking qualities and characteristics that fall short of who he is. 

He came to earth to minister to the broken and wounded hearts who needed him in a desperate way. He didn’t condemn anyone for what they were doing wrong. He invited them to learn something they didn’t know. 

I’m wondering how life might look if we took a little more time to offer more invitations instead of quick judgements?

Thank you Jesus for loving in a way that we are incapable of. Teach us to be more like you. In your precious name, amen.

Baring His Beauty,

Tiffany Thomas 

In Deeper Measures 

Many of my son’s and daughter’s 

Went on journey’s with Me

You were so hurt and broken

Grieved in your spirit

With so many questions, unanswered 

Yet you chose to stand strong 

Amid so many struggles

Amid the enemy haunting 

and taunting you

Amid voices all around 

Telling you to give up

To let go of your faith

Some of you were so broken and battered

You longed for this season to come to an end

Yet you held on to Me with your last strength

Your journey brought you to a place of 

letting go of your preconceived 

ideas and beliefs

To a place of surrender and giving 

Me full reign in your life

You came to a place few have experienced

You knew that I would always be true 

to My word

That what I have promised you 

in the midnight hour 

would come to fruition

I can still see you

On your knees, worn out

Your clothes filthy of all the fierry darts 

coming your way

Crawling, with no strength

Yet you held on to what I have promised you 

in dreams, visions, My word and through 

My servants the prophets

These promises were like crutches helping you to move forward into My purposes for you

And now My precious children

You have come to know Me

In deeper measures

You can relate with Job

when he said ‘ I had only heard 

about you before, but now I have seen 

You with my own eyes’

For truly you have seen 

and experienced Me on your journey

You know Me in measures 

you never would have

had you not gone this route

Today you are stronger 

than you have ever been

My love pulled you through 

many nights and days

When you wanted to give up 

My new season of Joy and of Love 

is upon you My loved one’s 

Thank you for fighting the good fight of faith

Thank you for clinging to Me

Thank you for believing 

that I would be true to My word

I love you with an all consuming

marvellous love

You have made it!!!

In a vision I saw how Papa was handing out either a new mantle, crown or trophy to His beloved son’s and daughter’s in this new season that is upon us.

Mantles: 2 Kings 2:13

He also took up the mantle of Elijah that has fallen from him.

Crowns: Psalm 132:18

His enemies I will clothe with shame, but upon himself his crown shall shine

Trophies/Prize: 2 Timothy 2:5

Also if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules.

~ Ebigale Wilson 

How God Grows The Church 

Paul writes in Ephesians that the church grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. The church can seem to thrive when it is based on the charisma and gifting of one man, but underneath the facade of success will be fear, insecurity, and immaturity in the lives of the church members. 

We do not grow by listening to fine sermons; we grow by putting into practice what we have learned; all food and no exercise make for a very sluggish athlete.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is, Christ. To be like Christ, we need more than knowledge; we need to experience him working through us, and this takes time and practice and opportunity.  

Leaders that deny others the chance to minister using their gifts do others and themselves a great disservice.

Finally, from a more pragmatic perspective, churches grow when church members like their church a lot, for when they do, they are motivated to invite others; they are motivated to get involved using their gifts and talents, and they are motivated to cultivate their relationship with God and others, which ultimately produces church growth – spiritual, emotional, and physical growth.  

Healthy bodies grow; it is an immutable law.
                   ~Brad Heilhecker 

Love Takes Courage 

Love is the narrow way (gate)…

Very few find that way – 

It’s difficult – but leads to life.

Hate is the wide way (gate)…

Nearly everyone chooses that way –

It’s easy – but leads to death.

The weight of hate and judgement must be dropped off; we must unpack it, leave it, and refuse to carry it for us to enter the narrow gate.  

           Hate is easy – Love takes courage! 

God, show me the weights that I am still carrying that are preventing me from the narrow way. 

              Reduce me to Love always! 

                ~ XXOO Michelle Bollom 



How Our Father Keeps Us From Our Sin

Sin shall not be our master, for we are not under law but under grace. If we were just handed a list of dos and don’t and told to obey the list, we would fail miserably, just like the people of God in the Old Testament.  

However, our covenant is better.  

Our Father tells us now: “Keep your eyes on Christ, and let him live through you”.  

It is a far better covenant, and yields sweet fruit, if we will only surrender our lives to Christ.

As part of the covenant, we are given great and precious promises that we can depend on. We are told that we are now children of God, that we will never die, that God will never leave us or forsake us, and that he will keep us from stumbling and present us blameless before him with great joy.  

As we learn and rely on these promises, our faith and our love grow, and we leave behind our former lives with all the accompanying sin and devastation. 

So, our victory in this life depends on our cooperation with Our Father, Our Lord, and the Holy Spirit.  

Yes, there is discipline and chastening, but there is also light, love, joy, and peace waiting for us at the end of every trial. Eternity calls and waits for the full adoption of every child of God. Bliss awaits us; immortality and Christlikeness are our destiny. Our Father will not be denied; he will have his family with him and beside him, to enjoy them forever! 

          ~Brad Heilhecker 


Worthy Thought: We are not waiting on a move of God. We are a Move Of God! 

Elevation Church has a great song called “Evidence” that Pastor Stephen Furtick makes that statement in today’s Worthy Thought. 
Listen Here to the song. 
            ~ XXOO Michelle Bollom 
Keep Angela in your prayers as she is still in the rebuilding of her home after Hurricane Harvey. 

Wait In Hope 

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. ~ Psalm (33:20) NIV

At a time where things are in chaos, and many situations undermine the value of life, tranquility is a place that we can be present by knowing that Jesus was the embodiment of peace. 

God didn’t create us, with a filter, nor to be spiritually settled in violence, hardship, pain, or death. These things, by themselves, are unfathomable. Our world is overflowing in sin. The only way to embrace life here on earth, considering it for what it is, is by acknowledging that Jesus is our the bridge to eternal life. Life doesn’t stop here on this planet. 

We have to determine whether or not we will trust in the existence to which is almighty and everlasting. It is up to you and me to accept the peace that Jesus offers. Life is not guaranteed here; it is only but a vapor. Nevertheless, we have to keep moving forward and not get stuck in what we are unable to change. Being faithful is a foundational step that produces a significant peace within. 

Dear Father, we are waiting for you. Many of us are experiencing a time where seems impossible to find any comfort in the day. We find it burdensome to hear about another headline, news story, or tragedy. Some of us are carrying wounds in our heart. It is grueling to think about another day of pain. Lord, we are faithful to you and trust that you are coming. We will be steadfast while preparing for you take us home. May the suffering on this earth end soon. Hear our cries; comfort our heart while we wait. In your Precious Name, Amen.

Baring His Beauty

Tiffany Thomas 

A Tried And Tested Bride 

You are on the battlefield 

You have been wounded 

to the point of death

No strength left 

in a body so frail

The enemy laughing 

in your face

‘Why are you still holding on!!!’ 

‘Surrender!!!’ he shouts

You look past him

hoping to find a way of escape

Your armour dented

Your heart and body even more 

Desperation grips your heart

Darkness all around

Nothing to hold on to

Maybe you should give in 

to his demands

You are so weak

This time around 

the battle was at its fiercest

It was as if every demon 

was sent your way

The pain your body endured

almost crippled you

Your mind bruised 

by the endless voices 

Trying to convince you 

to give up

To let go of your God 

and His promises 

You put one foot 

in front of the other

Trying to find a glimmer of light

Too weak to war

Too weak to even pray

You feel defeated

Maybe you should just surrender

Then all of a sudden 

Light entered the scene

You fall to the ground and 

Papa is right there to catch you

You have made it My daughter‘ He says,

Made it?’ you whisper back in unbelief

Yes, you have made it My child!

You went through many afflictions and trials

Many times My heart ached for you

but I had to step back

You had to learn valuable lessons 

on your journey

Lessons that will now 

be your greatest weapons

You were so brave and 

My heart bursts with pride

I am coming for a Bride 

that has been tried and tested 

in the worst conditions

A Bride that will put Me first

despite her pain

Laying down her agenda

To embrace Mine

A Bride who burns with My love

Everywhere she goes 

she leaves a trail of My heart

For in the valley, storm and fire 

My heart was birthed in her

The afflictions that was sent 

couldn’t stop her

Weak, tired, scared

She persevered 

You held on to Me 

with all of your strength 

You never gave up

when the enemy tortured you

You never gave in to other’s opinions of you

You knew that this was a Kingdom fight

That I was with you in the valley 

That I was with you in the storm

That I was with you in the fire

Though the enemy wanted to convince you

that you were all alone

You went through persecution

rejection and humiliation 

With so much grace

You carried your cross 

with a smile on your face

You didn’t allow your flesh 

to rule and to reign

You walked in My power

My words in your mouth

Distracted by no one

There’s too much to do

The kingdom of darkness is waiting 

to be uprooted, destroyed and overthrown

My Kingdom is now alive within you

You know who you are

How much you are loved

You worshipped and prayed 

your way through the valley

In the storms and the waves

your calling was hidden

The fire that tried to burn you

Made you burn with My love

My daughter you started this journey

Scared and alone

With only My promises to hold on to

Faith, hope and love

Guiding you 

I am in awe of the person 

you have became

You are courageous and bold

My container of love

For surely generations will be affected 

by the display of your relentless love.

~ Ebigale Wilson

A Tried And Tested Bride 

      The Journey