Daily Warrior

I wear my war face daily,

this heart’s on fire,

carving love and

peace into each stone

I cross,

the ones feeling misfit

although we’re all

exactly where we need

to be…

learning and

gaining strength

for the next mission

we recieve;

I am brave

although inside,

these wounds scream

to turn back,

I will not

as I’m a warrior

and warriors don’t leave

battles for someone else

to fight alone,

they run towards fear

and seek to destroy it,

so the wounded can see

they carry purpose

as does the one who

came to fight by their side;

warriors aren’t born,

they’re made

through the pain,


and fears

they must have to conquer

with the One who knows

they’re going to win

with His truth and strength.

~Bethany Anne

Daily Warrior

One Word From The Throne Room

I see them everyday

Your beautiful daughters 

Painful pasts written over their faces

Yet, I prefer to look the 

other way

Blinded by my own 

life and challenges

I don’t take the time to 

see what You see

Hear what You hear

I don’t reach out with Your 

heart beating through me

I go on with life

Forget that I am Your mouthpiece walking the earth

I saw her at sport events

Made my mind up that 

we would not be friends

Sometimes when we’re healed 

we are drawn to the strong

Forgetting that we also needed healing and love to become strong

The hurt in her eyes 

haunted me

Holy Spirit spoke to me

He is persistent when 

we are not

I thought I’ll never get a 

chance to convey His heart 

and His love to her 

Till a cold Saturday morning

Papa set me up and I had 

no excuse

I spoke His heart to her

As the words left my mouth

Her eyes filled with tears 

and so were mine

I could feel her pain, but also

Papa’s presence that invaded her heart

Setting alight a precious daughters heart

Bringing hope in an instant

Oh how relentless the love 

of our Father

I asked for forgiveness

For not portraying Papa’s heart

For being so consumed and distracted by my own journey…

Another lesson learned on 

the journey

We train, we grow, go higher

We should never think we 

have arrived

We are here to bring hope to the wounded and hurting

Grace separates us

Papa’s love connects us

Purpose always has to triumph over challenges we face

Not our emotions, our fears, our circumstances

We are called to be Papa’s representatives

Sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice

Papa needs His army to be ready 

at all times

There is so much brokenness around us

People in need of healing 

and hope

One word from the throne room

can change a life forever

I know…

I am a living testimony of that.

~ Ebigale Wilson

One Word From The Throne Room

The Journey

Don’t Blink Moms And Dads

Oh – Momma’s and Daddy’s hold on!

You may be in the trenches of sleepless nights or walking the floors with teething tots ..but this too shall pass.

Dirty diapers and bottles galore

Spit up and drool

Too many words

Toys thrown all around

Drained bank accounts…

but this too shall pass.

Activities and projects and too many school papers to sign about to nut you up …

but this too shall pass.

Lunches packed

Lunch money forgotten

Breakfast of champions rushed

and backpacks left

Homework for too many hours

that cut into dinner time…

but this too shall pass.

Fighting and arguing

Multiple meltdowns

Slamming doors and

whining “I am Bored”…

but this too shall pass.

Dirty socks and dirty rooms and nothing ever put back in its spot

Toilet rolls empty and the last paper towel when you need two…

but this too shall pass.

Prayer and prayers

and more prayers

Uncomfortable topics discussed

Manners taught

Eagle eyes and snooping

through phones and rooms and stalking their social media accounts…

but this too shall pass.

Driving and dating and

late nights waiting…

but this too shall pass.

You wake up one day and BOOM 💥 just like that your babies are 20 and you can’t quite believe that many years have passed and you survived all of this X2!

No more Teens.

I now have amazing adults that work hard and have such an amazing and caring heart and love for God and others.

Wicked Smaht!

And crazy funny.

I always wanted a bald cotton top blue eyed boy and a curly haired green eyed girl…and I got just that!

At the same time!

I am so super blessed that these kiddos call me Mom. I could not have done it without my Jackpot of a Hubby and Baby Daddy.

Happy Birthday C & C

We love you – XXOO

Do What You Say You’re Gonna Do

Do what you say you’re gonna do!

This was a big area for me that I struggled in judgement in. I didn’t seem to extend grace to anyone that backed out of a commitment.

I had woundings from my childhood and marriage that I felt that broken promises had caused me great pain in my past so I built a hard spot for anyone else that didn’t keep their word or promises to me.

Now I am not talking about sometimes things come up and can’t be avoided. We need mercy and grace for those instances and sometimes it’s just simply dealing with our own warped and deceptive perception and emotions of not taking those instances personal.

It can’t always be avoided sometimes and I get that and know God is always in control and a Divine Detour could be in the works.

The Lord Willing Response -is a good start so you are not having to go back on your word if you struggle in the area of keeping your word-but don’t use it as an excuse either.

Also don’t be so bound that it is something you begrudgingly do or go against your peace gauge; you may be needing to step away or break a commitment in order to say your best yes for you or your family or even God.

What I am talking about is what I believe is a spirit that people operate in. They make big plans and promises consistently and even may vow their unending loyalty and commitment to you but are always backing out and usually in the very last minute with excuses after excuses and never follow through. They also have a quitter spirit and don’t like when you disagree with them.

They usually have offense issues and are offended easily and have perception issues too;their perception is so full of deception.

They also operate highly in paranoia and pity.

They perceive things and think that their discernment and perception is fact but it is so warped and wrapped up in their fickle fleshly emotions they can’t recognize it and have a hard time separating fantasy from reality. They like escapism.

They can also have confrontational, isolation and blame issues. They retreat offended then blame others for the distance they themselves created or they always want to force their opinions upon you to entice a confrontation. They can have an argumentative spirit too.

I have struggled with all of those at some time in my life too. I am not pointing fingers; this is a Divine Download to help me and others too.

This is not always a bad thing when you recognize someone operating in that spirit. It can be a good thing because once you recognize it you can set boundaries, pray to not get a spirit of criticism or judgement against them, but also rest assured in knowing that God is revealing and separating the wheat from the chaff for a reason.

You pray and love them but also know that they just can’t be relied upon so sometimes you have to love them from a healthy distance until they are willing to break free from it themselves.

Ask God to help you recognize the faithful from the flaky in your life. (Joking! But hey, that really is a great prayer!)

If you suffer from this spirit – ask the Lord to help you break those patterns and start to follow through with what you say you will do.

~ XXOO Michelle Bollom


Don’t Quit Warrior

I see the warrior you’re becoming. Keep leaning on the One who is holding your fragile yet fierce body. You were made in His image, so stop trying to be someone you’re not…be the best version of yourself you can live as. I know you’ve been told your whole life that you’re not worthy and you’re a burden, but the truth is you are a fierce warrior riding in on eagle’s wings that was created from nothing by the One who had your gifts and talents in mind when He birthed you into existence. His perfect timing brought your past experiences and pain here, in this very present moment, for a reason for a purpose you may not be able to understand right now. Just know He never makes mistakes, so if you’re exhausted from the battle you were just wounded from, know and believe He’s working it all out for your good. He will heal your land. You are fierce, brave warrior. Don’t quit. Continue fighting on account for every single beating heart, crying soul in need of His promises unfolding in your very being cause He is with you always, in peace and in chaos…this promise you can rely on.

~ Bethany Anne

Amazingly Real

No matter what you’re going through, may you remember that your identity is secure in Christ; it’s not up for grabs or changeable with popular opinion.

Jesus is sold on the idea of you and loves how He made you!

May you trust Him to guide, provide, correct, and redirect you along the way.

May you love people, but keep your hope in the Lord.

May you see with eyes of faith even when you can’t find a reason for hope.

Seasons come and seasons go, but God’s love for you is abundant, profound, and amazingly real, right here, right now.

Walk like you’re loved, because you are, beyond your wildest dreams.

Have a beautiful day!

~ Fenich Jerry

Guard Your Heart

The sound of her voice 

echoed through my mind 

“Guard your heart!”

She would say

“Guard your heart, Ebigale”

She wanted to make sure 

that I remember the power

behind these valuable words

That it finds its way through 

my mind, my heart,

my whole being

Oh how I would need these words on my journey to healing

The different stages of going

higher and deeper

Of letting go of what I thought

was important

Embracing only what Papa

allowed me to

Letting go of my dreams

my way of doing things

Till I stood empty handed,

naked, alone

Yet, I owned a peace

that surpassed all understanding 

I knew it was my time

for a visitation from heaven

To heal my brokenness

To discover how beautiful 

and precious I was

in the sight of my Father

To discover His plans and

purposes for me

I would not let anyone or anything stop me from the

most important visitation

Over the years her voice 

would pop up whenever 

I wanted to relive my past

Or when painful challenges

would stare me in the face

Or when it was hard

to forgive and let go

Her words quoted from scripture were like pearls to me

I had to guard my heart

I couldn’t let my past find 

its way back to my heart

You had me where You 

always longed for me to be

Alone, away from the crowd

I could sit for hours in

Your sweet presence

I could dance to the sound 

of Your love

I could cry my eyes out for 

all the mistakes I have made

Yet, I always found You

by my side

With arms wide open

Not a trace of the judgement 

I so many times expected

When I thought I had

lost it all 

When my heart was hurting

beyond repair

You resurrected every 

dream You had for me

I  have gained so much more

Than what I laid down!

~ Ebigale Wilson

Guard Your Heart

The Journey