One Direction Wonder

Who can you be seen hooting and hollering for like a crazy fan?
A football game with your favorite player making a touchdown? A sold out concert where you get caught up in the music and feel as if you personally know each band member. Only because you follow their every teeny tiny move on Instagram and Twitter. You know they are looking right at you when the camera shows a close up of their nostrils!! What rises up in us to devote such extreme passion and excitement that we scream and holler. Sometimes even shake, rattle and roll because we are so overwhelmed with emotions that we can’t even control ourselves. We don’t care who sees or hears us!! We have all seen a football dude all colored in paint with their team colors running up and down the field cheering. It’s possible a cheese planted on his head!!
There is something in all of us that moves us to follow and cheer for a team, group, cause, or rock n roll band. I guess it depends on where you put your time, energy and focus.
What would it take for thousands of people to rise up and cheer for a cause that really makes a difference?

I know! I know!!✋✋

An ice bucket challenge that goes viral and raises millions of dollars for a cause that heightens awareness for a devastating disease.
A movement that started with one move. One person who got an inspired brilliant idea!!
An ALS victim is understood and heard.

Evidently One Direction Band is saving peoples life’s according to the sign behind me.

There’s got to be more than this? Is it all smoke and mirrors!!
What’s really being reflected?

God help us to step into the cause and destiny that You have planned for each and everyone of us!!
One Direction pointing up that involves saving people’s lives breaking off one chain at time.

BTW, I can multitask. I can write even when surrounded by screams, shakes, and loud music.
And thanks to the 1D boys I know that I am beautiful!!
Thanks guys!!

Light On,
Kelley Allison


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