The Divine Spark

We live; we breathe; we work; we play. Somehow, running through all of these aspects of life is Jesus.  

As John said, “In him is life, and his life is our light.”  

It is his love that we express, his truth that we proclaim, and his Spirit that directs us.  

He is the divine spark!

He gave us life; he gave us eternal life; he gives us himself, and he makes us like himself.

John also records of Jesus, “He knew that he had come from God and that he was going back to God, so he took off his outer garments and began to wash the disciples feet.” We, too, know that we have been born of God and are destined for God, and we, too, can live lives of humble, helpful service to God through serving the church—”The fullness of him who fills everything in every way.”

The service may be menial, but if it is needed and Spirit directed, it is monumental in Our Father’s eyes.

His eyes are on our hearts, and his ears are open to our cries. It is written, “He (Christ) can save us completely, for he ever lives to intercede for us.” We are his life, his inheritance, and his treasure, and he is our life, our inheritance, and our treasure.

He is our past, our present, and our future. Jesus is our life, now and forever!

~ Brad Heilhecker

Christ, Our Life