Be Refilled

Often a life that is all “go” lacks the “know”.

Without stillness, we can invite illness, sickness of soul, and burn out of body.

Stop allowing “doing” to replace “being”.

We and others suffer when we cannot be still for long enough to sustain what is being entrusted to us.

When you get still, you can be refilled.

#TodaysTakeaways from the book “Breathe”by Charlotte Gambill

Push The Good Stuff

Drug dealers push drugs all the time.
They destroy lives and ruin families.

You can deal a different pill to an ill world.

The best medicine for an ill world is Christ’s Love.

Get to pushing the “good stuff” so that people will only want the One real true fix for their lives. ~XXOO Michelle Cosby Bollom

#LiveRestored #MindBodySoul

It Just Doesn’t Mix

It just doesn’t mix…

Many are unaware of the ungodliness of what they think or assume is insignificant or a harmless practice.

Ungodly mixtures always lead to ungodly results.

God is Pure & Holy. God’s Divine Nature and order DOES NOT TOLERATE compromised or defiled things.

You can’t profess Christ is your Savior and Source if you dabble with a little Deepak Chopra, Marissa Peer, Ram Dass… or any other person teaching you a different power source than the Ultimate Power Source.

Reiki won’t align or heal you.

Only Jesus Heals!

Crystals won’t help or heal you.

Yes, God created crystals but we don’t wear them or pray with them or line them up on your body expecting them to have any powers on their own because THEY DON’T!

Yoga doesn’t bring you optimal health strength balance or peace.

Stretching our body is good but doing any stretches and poses steeped in ancient idols and cultures is not of God.

There is only ONE – PRINCE OF PEACE. If He lives within you – you already have His Supernatural Peace.

There is no Universal Energy.

There is One True God / Creator of ALL the Universe and His Pure and Holy Spirit.

Anything else is cheap counterfeits that satan uses to trick you and if not careful it will open a foothold for him to wreak havoc in your life.

Meditate on His Word & His Spirit – Period!

There is no need for a special stance or hum or chant or special candles lit.

There are extreme opposites…

Light or Dark

Truth or Lies

Hot or Cold

Oil or Water

Right or Wrong

Divine or Demonic …

and most of us know them and the importance not to mix those extremes …

But many are dabbling in the gray areas.

If it ain’t 💯 % Jesus Christ; our Lord & God – it is a ungodly mixture and it’s not good for you.

Don’t dabble in the gray areas.

The devil always sits on the fence.

God is NEVER in the mixture.

—XXOO Michelle Bollom

For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish. — Psalm 1:6 AFV

So then, because you are lukewarm, and are neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth. — Revelation 3:16 AFV

For you shall worship no other god; for the LORD, Whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God; — Exodus 34:14 AFV

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? And what fellowship does light have with darkness? …Therefore, come out from the midst of them and be separate,” says the Lord, “and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you; And I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters,” says the Lord Almighty. — 2 Corinthians 6:14,17-18 AFV

You were running well. Who hindered you, persuading you not to obey the truth? This persuasion is not coming from Him who calls you. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. — Galatians 5:7-9 AFV

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. — Hosea 4:6 AFV

• extra tidbit …. Why oil and water don’t mix? Oil essentially “repels” the water, it is called hydrophobic or “water fearing,” as opposed to hydrophilic or “water loving.” As such, eventually all the lipophilic or “fat loving” oil molecules will join together floating on top of the water.

There is no other miracle water source apart from the Living Water, Jesus Christ. He ALONE is enough to quench our thirst!

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; rather, the water that I will give him shall become a fountain of water within him, springing up into everlasting life.” — John 4:14 AFV

Now in the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and called out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. The one who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” — John 7:37-38 AFV

My Personal Valley

When I walked through my personal “valley of the shadow of death,” the thing that stood out most was the vast amount of enemies popping up from everywhere.

Papa God taught me a few important lessons of the value of our enemies and how He uses them to catapult us into His dreams for us.

At the beginning of my “training” I did not know how to handle my enemies and there were many days that I wanted to turn around to my past because of the attacks. Till the day Holy Spirit said to me, “See every challenge and enemy you face as training.” Those words made my journey easier and every time one of my enemies would pop up, I just asked myself “What does Father want to teach me this time?” Our wilderness season is all about training and transforming us.

Holy Spirit taught me that every enemy represents an “area” in our lives that we have not overcome and matured in yet to occupy.

Father knows the callings on our lives and the enemies we need to conquer in order to rule and reign in whatever spheres we are called to invade and occupy. Whatever enemies we do not conquer in our personal wilderness, we 

will surely meet them again in the future. Father will not release us into His dreams when our enemies still control and rule over us.

This is one of the biggest reasons our “coming aside season is so important”. Here we are trained to handle pressure and attacks specific for the spheres and mountains were are called to occupy.

Holy Spirit trains us when and which spiritual weapons to use at different times in our journeys and also when to go into Fathers rest. In Father there is truly “a peace that surpasses all understanding”.

Whatever I do not deal with and overcome in my life, I leave it for my children and their children to still have to fight.

Looking back I now know that it was specific enemies that set me on a path to be fearless and bold. Specific ones trained me in spiritual warfare. My enemies trained me to overcome whatever life throws at me. Through their attacks, I gained ground in the gates of hell and I did not back down. I knew who was walking beside me, whispering to my heart that I was called for such a time as this. Today the once scared and anxiety ridden daughter is fearless because of God’s grace and love. 

I took a hold of my God given authority and identity to change atmospheres and to invade and conquer mountains left unattended by Christians for years. When we know who we are in Jesus, no one else can convince us otherwise.

Father wants to bring all of us to this place in Him. The place where our hard processes come together and we dont see the pain any longer, but we see His hand alive in our lives. We see the bigger picture and where we fit in. The enemy gained a lot of ground through us not stepping into the different spheres Father called us to. It is time to take back what he has stolen.

All of heaven is backing us!! When David walked through his personal “valley of the shadow of death”  he did not focus on the “valley”. He knew who had his back, while walking through it. He focused on all the good things Father was preparing for him.

Do not allow “valleys” to steal your focus. They’re only there for us to discover our identity, authority and mandate in the Kingdom of God.

— Ebigale Wilson



Embrace The Unknown

Everything is falling into place

The veil has been lifted

You can see clearly

The journey you have travelled

Now has a destination

The dark clouds have lifted

No need to wonder 

Or endless questions

The puzzle shows a picture you 

will understand

The processes were relentless 

So were the battles

You will now thank jezebel, 

witchcraft, religion and tradition 

For they have trained you well

The head and no longer the tail

You have paid a costly price

You have laid down your life

For the sake of the Kingdom

Said goodbye to this world

Enemies sent to harm you

I used to shape you

To shift you

To transform you 

My presence your addiction

My voice your compass

Time for Kingdom daughters 

to take their place

Widen your tent pegs

Embrace the unknown

You can do anything

Do not limit yourself 

Expand your horizons

Expect the unexpected

Think out of the box

The old won’t do it anymore

New discovered passions 

A glimpse of your future 

Seated in heavenly places

You have the mind of Christ 

You were born, trained and prepared 

for such a time as this!

— Ebigale Wilson

Embrace The Unknown

The Journey

The Past No Longer Their Home!

When her life was interrupted

Overcome by pain and shame

Desperation brought her to her knees

Tears streaming down her face

Jesus appeared on the scene

He was always there

Hiding in her shadow

Trying to get her attention

Blinded by her circumstances

Fear and anxiety held her hostage 

Dressed in graves clothes

Darkness was her holy place

Hiding in the background

She dared not dream of a better 


Where peace rules and

Pappa’s love is her safe place

Sometimes it takes a crisis

A roadblock

A detour

A decision 

To bring wounded daughters 

back to their first Love

The only One assigned to fill the 

voids in hurting hearts

Every pain He turns into a 

fountain of overflow

Daughters discover their worth

Their identity

Their purpose

The moment they hand Pappa the reign

He asked us to lay it all down

Our dreams

Our plans

Our deepest pain in exchange 

for wilderness journeys

Daughters wrecked and overtaken 

by the love of Pappa

From different backgrounds, tribes, 

nations and tongue will now make 

the supernatural their homes 

Weapons of war in Father’s hand

Darkness had to release them

Atmosphere shifters trained to 

invade and overtake will step into 

Kingdom assignments

The past no longer their home!

— Ebigale Wilson

The Journey